The dental industry is advancing faster than ever with new products and innovations changing the way professionals work with patients each day. At White Dental Beauty we know the importance of being at the cutting edge of dentistry, and the value that learning about new products and procedures can have. Finding the right solution for your dental education can be both challenging and rewarding. We are proud of our commitment to education and have been an industry leader in dental education for over 30 years. Our varied courses combine education with fun-filled social experiences. Discover the perfect way to further your dental education with White Dental Beauty.
The dental industry is advancing faster than ever with new products and innovations changing the way professionals work with patients each day. At White Dental Beauty we know the importance of being at the cutting edge of dentistry, and the value that learning about new products and procedures can have. Finding the right solution for your dental education can be both challenging and rewarding. We are proud of our commitment to education and have been an industry leader in dental education for over 30 years. Our varied courses combine education with fun-filled social experiences. Discover the perfect way to further your dental education with White Dental Beauty.

StyleItaliano, a growing community of skilled practitioners share our commitment to learning, and together we have joined forces to help you further your dental education. In addition to proudly accrediting and recommending our products; the StyleItaliano group boast a growing following of almost a quarter of a million, along with clinical expertise backed by a wealth of case studies, world class lecturers, courses and events.


Various dates – England
Diane Rochford – Hygienists courses England
The one-day tooth whitening course for dental hygienists and dental therapists is taught by Linda Greenwall’s dental hygienist Diane Rochford..

Various dates – England
Linda Greenwall – Hygienists courses England
The one-day tooth whitening course for dental hygienists and dental therapists is taught by Linda Greenwall’s dental hygienist Diane Rochford..
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